Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Strawberry Snow

Oh my gosh, this is so fun!  Apparently, my husband grew up eating this, but had since forgotten about it.  I had never heard of it.  A few months ago, my husband was visiting his parents who gave him a bunch of old books.  One of those books was Children's Digest from 1972.  In it we found this recipe. It's super simple and very light and refreshing.  

The recipe calls for strawberry jello, but use whatever sugar-free jello flavor you like.  Reminder... a lot of sugar-free jello has maltodextrin which is a sneaky name for sugar, so be sure to avoid those!

This dessert/snack is essentially flavored egg whites.  The texture stays like whipped egg whites, but is slightly sweet and has the flavor of the jello.   This dessert is 0 carbs and about 7g of protein from the egg whites, but it makes about 6 servings, so I don't even have to count this towards Samuel's bolus.  He has about a 1 cup dish as a serving.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Cruddy Day

Every once in a while, we have cruddy blood sugar days for reasons unknown.  Our best guess is that Samuel is either in a strong growth spurt, getting sick or both.  He was floating along just fine last night in the 70's to 90's, then around 4am his blood sugar shot up and he woke up from his legs cramping badly.  We haven't been able to get his blood sugar down since despite several correction shots.

I know it isn't food related because he's had all usual low carb foods.  For lunch I even dosed more than usual, including a correction, and he's still going up.

He still has insulin on-board, so hubby took the kids for a long walk through the woods to try to pull it down.  If that doesn't work, we'll do another correction.  I'm just thankful this is an exception and not the norm.