Monday, April 27, 2020

Beef & Tomato Soup

I turned my tomato soup recipe into a more substantial soup by adding lots of browned ground beef and a can of diced tomatoes. We've been eating this a ton lately! Add a salad and dinner is ready.

Link to tomato soup recipe 


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Toast with PB, syrup, and whipped cream!

We had burgers for lunch on SmartBuns, but I think the buns are too thick so I cut a little bit off to make them thinner. I saved the slivers and turned them into this afternoon snack with a little bit of peanut butter, Walden Farms pancake syrup, whipped cream, and sugar free sprinkles. About 2 net carbs.
The kids REALLY like it. Samuel said he couldn't believe it was the buns from lunch and that I should go on a cooking show. I'm pretty darn confident this wouldn't qualify for a cooking show.  Hahaha...