Monday, October 30, 2017

Low Carb Angel Food Cake

My husband is an angel food cake snob. Or perhaps I should say connoisseur. Last year for his birthday I made 7 (yes, 7!) different low carb angel food cake recipes and we honestly didn't like any of them. He came to me last week asking if I'd try again. This time I decided to try my hand at developing my own recipe. Since there isn't regular flour in it, I needed to find something for the structure of the cake so I turned to protein powder. I thought my snob, er, connoisseur would object, but he really liked it!

T1 Friends - this is LC, but high in protein so take that into account when bolusing. Protein powders vary so recalculate for yours. For reference, mine is 3 carbs and 27g of protein per scoop (35g), so with the egg whites that make each slice of cake <1 carb and 9g of protein!

This recipe is really simple! But you do need to be patient. Angel Food cakes are known for deflating (even flour ones) so follow the baking and cooling techniques to hopefully keep falling to a minimum. And even if it does, it still tastes great! Besides, whipped cream covers a multitude of sins! 

In order to get a good rise and avoid deflating, be sure to not over beat the eggs/protein powder mix in step 6!

Here are a few step by step pics.....

Vanilla already added. Now adding the dry ingredients a bit at a time...


The egg whites will deflate some from adding the dry ingredients... that's okay.  Just get the dry ingredients incorporated... don't over-beat at this point!!!...

After 40 - 45 minutes of baking... you want a deep golden brown. If in doubt, let it go the full 45 minutes so the inside gets done.  It will deflate some as it cools!...

Then invert and finish baking like this.  If your pan doesn't have "legs" the cake doesn't rise higher than the pan edges so you should still be able to invert - the cake itself shouldn't fall out. If you have 2 or 3 little ramekins (or anything oven-proof) you could place them on the stone/cookie sheet and set the pan on those so air can get underneath...

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