Thursday, January 24, 2019

Shout Out to the Non-D Siblings

Our T1 kiddos endure a lot, but their non-diabetic siblings are not without impact.  They hear medical terms most kids don't know.  They see blood, needles, shots, infusion set/CGM insertions daily. 

Numbers and math are a part of life - blood sugar, carbs, protein, insulin doses... and those numbers can be life or death.

They discuss food like adults.... what will that do to blood sugar?, is that low carb?, is that healthy?, does that have sugar?

And there are a few that are so passionate about helping their T1 siblings, they offer to do all they can.  Our daughter willingly checks her sugar periodically so we can see what a functioning kids' pancreas does.  She reads labels with us.  She watches cooking shows and thinks about how a meal can be made low carb to work for us.  She cooks  and bakes with me.  She eats exactly like her brother (and us) to support him. She's worn a CGM for weeks so we have extended data so we can set goals ~ an attempt to mimic what is happening in her body with our son.

This little girl is a mother hen ~ the most compassionate and selfless T1 sibling  anyone could ask for. 

Checking her blood sugar... she was sporting a blood sugar of 84mg/dL.  ❤️💋

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