Tuesday, March 28, 2017


The kids thought these were fun to dip in their salsa and sour cream and they were less messy for them to eat than tacos.

Warning: you either need silicone gloves or hands that can tolerate heat because the cheese gets HOT and you roll these by hand.

* Get your meat ready for one taquito. I did 1 oz each so they're pretty fat.
* Put provolone on parchment and cook in microwave so it's still very pliable. (I use Costco's larger provolone and 1 minute 10 seconds was perfect; smaller pieces would probably be about 45 seconds.)
* Working SUPER fast, pull cheese out, dump meat on and roll as tight as you can, crimping the ends as you go so your meat doesn't fall out.
* Repeat. I get a system going and can get them made pretty quickly.
*Right before serving, I microwaved the whole batch about 20 seconds to reheat. You could probably put in a warming oven as you make them too.

Whole meal with Spanish cauli rice is 4 net carbs.

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